Project Finance Learning Center2020-12-09T22:19:22-05:00

Project Finance Learning Center

Quick Reference Overview of Project Finance Knowledge

Project Finance Learning Center is intended to be a knowledge resource to learn summary level project finance material either before applying for project financing or as you are proceeding through the financing process.

Project Finance Learning Center

Project finance was first used in 1299 when an Italian merchant bank provided the project financing to finance the development of English silver mines. England repaid the Italian merchant bank who funded the project with the output from the mines. Project financing has been used to finance thousands of projects since those silver mines, including such notable projects as the Panama Canal and North Sea oil platforms. Our Project Finance Learning Center includes information we hope will improve understanding of this type of finance.

Participants & Stakeholders

Project Finance Participants & Stakeholders

The project company is the actual owner of the project. In project finance, which is off-balance sheet financing, the project company must be a newly formed entity with no history, known as a Special Purpose Entity (SPE) or Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).
The project sponsor is the individual or company that is organizing the project and has chosen the project finance, off-balance-sheet method of financing. If this were corporate finance or real estate finance the project sponsor would likely be referred to as a syndicator.
The project finance provider is the firm that is responsible for arranging the project finance loan and performing all of the work that is required to arrange and close the loan, such as preparation of the project finance documents. This is not the project finance lender.
Project financings typically involve very large amounts of money. The Project Finance provider arranges the project loan from the project lender or lenders, depending on the amount. But, because project finance is off-balance sheet financing, project lenders usually require the investment of substantial equity in the project. Project sponsors typically involve equity investors to spread the required capital and to share in the project risk. Equity investors may also stakeholders already and have a vested interest in the success of the project.
Project lenders provide most of the capital needed for project finance. Project lenders tend to be commercial banks, investment banks and even hedge funds. Regional development banks can also be project lenders.
Multilateral agencies are established by intergovernmental agreements to promote international and regional economic development. They can provide direct lending, political insurance to other lenders and even equity participation. They focus on projects in emerging markets and focus on socio-economic developmental rationale not just economic viability of a project.
Export credit agencies (ECAs) historically more relevant for financing projects in emerging markets due to the political risk cover obtained by commercial lenders who needed cover. This has changed in the wake of the global financial crisis, ECA finance is now a major source of global project lending.
The construction contractor for the project, who is also frequently referred to as an EPC Contractor enters into a contract with the project company to build the project. The construction contract usually takes the form of an EPC Contract, which is short for Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract.
The O&M Operator is a management company or operator who contracts with the project company in a document known as an Operation & Maintenance Agreement to operate, maintain and manage the project for a fee for a fixed period of time, usually 2 to 5 years, but it can be longer.
Offtakers in project financings are buyers of the resources produced by completed and operating projects. Offtakers contractually agree in an Offtake Agreement to purchase all or substantially all of the future production from the project. Offtake Agreements are negotiated prior to the development of the project which will become the means of production of the resources being sold to the Offtaker. When projects produce resources like electrical power or natural gas, Offtakers are vitally important to their success. They lock-in a significant amount of future revenue and allow the project company to account for recurring sales and profits for many years into the future.



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