FinTech Is Driving Rise In Financial Inclusion Per Global Findex Data

FinTech Is Driving Rise In Financial Inclusion Financial inclusion is on the rise globally, accelerated by mobile phones and the internet, FinTech is driving rise in financial inclusion but gains have been uneven across countries. A new World Bank report on the worldwide use of financial services also finds that men remain more likely than women to have

IMF Raised 2017 Global Economic Growth Forecast

Global Economic Growth On The Rise Global economic growth is strengthening according to economists at the International Monetary Fund. The IMF sees positive trends in investment, manufacturing, and trade worldwide. As a result, International Monetary Fund economists have raised the outlook for global economic growth, predicting the world economy will grow by 3.5 percent in 2017. Global economic growth

By |2018-04-13T15:24:55-04:00May 26, 2017|Categories: Economic Growth, Financing, Trade Finance|
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