Climate Change Lawsuits Hurt Project Financings

Project Financings Being Hurt By Climate Change Lawsuits Climate activists, like so many on the left, weaponize litigation as they pursue an all out assault on western civilization. Whether directed against the host government or the projects themselves, climate change lawsuits are hurting project financings, especially in developing countries. Progressives from wealthy countries are weaponizing climate change lawsuits and

By |2019-01-26T05:39:44-05:00Jan 05, 2019|Categories: Climate Change, Project Finance|Tags: , , |

China Launches Satellite To Monitor Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions

As part of its effort to monitor and curb greenhouse gas emissions, China on Thursday launched an atmospheric carbon dioxide monitoring satellite from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert. The TanSat satellite, launched on board a Long March-2D rocket, was sent to a sun synchronous orbit roughly 435 miles from the surface of Earth. The 1,400-pound

By |2018-03-30T11:10:28-04:00Dec 22, 2016|Categories: Asia, Climate Change, Industry, International Trade, Politics, Regions, Technology|

Climate Change: Global Alliance To Fight Ocean Acidification Formed

Carbon emissions have a clear impact on Earth’s atmosphere, trapping heat and contributing to global warming, which is one of the various facets of climate change. However, a lot of that carbon also gets absorbed by the water bodies on Earth, especially the oceans, where it contributes to increasing the acidic component of their waters. Oceans cover 70 percent

By |2018-03-30T11:01:12-04:00Dec 14, 2016|Categories: Climate Change, Europe, International Trade, North America, Politics, Regions|

Climate Change: Arctic Report Card Shows Global Air Conditioner Is Failing

The Arctic got its report card Tuesday and it looks like someone is due for detention. It showed the Arctic is in failing health with temperatures at their highest since recordkeeping started more than a century ago, leading to a decline in snowpack and sea ice, ocean acidification and other environmental ills. “What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay

By |2018-04-01T06:19:30-04:00Dec 13, 2016|Categories: Africa, Climate Change, Europe, International Trade, North America, Politics, Regions|
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