Project Finance Ratings Methods Change

Credit rating giant Moody's Analytics has changed its project finance ratings methods for rating generic project financings that are not covered by an existing specialty project finance or infrastructure methodology. The change in project finance ratings methods is the first since December 2010. The update incorporates refinements to the scorecard, including some small changes in weights and thresholds. The update

Climate Change Lawsuits Hurt Project Financings

Project Financings Being Hurt By Climate Change Lawsuits Climate activists, like so many on the left, weaponize litigation as they pursue an all out assault on western civilization. Whether directed against the host government or the projects themselves, climate change lawsuits are hurting project financings, especially in developing countries. Progressives from wealthy countries are weaponizing climate change lawsuits and

By |2019-01-26T05:39:44-05:00Jan 05, 2019|Categories: Climate Change, Project Finance|Tags: , , |
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